Sunday, June 27, 2010

Well Founded Set Theoretic Truth

In the course of failing to come up with an abstract for the upcoming ITP workshop in Cambridge, I came across something I think rather nice which is only to be found in the overheads of the last talk I gave on X-Logic.

So I thought I would post it here, to give it a better home.

First just a few words of context.

I am unusual in considering the most important role for set theory to be its role as a foundation for abstract semantics.
From this point of view it is unfortunate that mathematical logic (where set theory belongs) has a negative attitude towards semantics, and tolerates a situation  in which set theory has no definite semantics (or at least, no single generally agreed semantics, there are many possibilities).

Anyway, I came up with a neat semantics for set theory as follows.
This is a definition for the truth conditions of sentences in set theory.
It assumes understood the notion of truth in an interpretation.

  • a well-founded set is a definite collection of well-founded sets
  • an interpretation of set theory is a transitive well-founded set
  • a sentence is false if the collection of interpretations in which it is true is definite
  • a sentence is true if the collection of interpretations in which it is false is definite
This is what I wrote about this at the time.
This semantics:
  • is maximally rich (large cardinal axioms are true)
  • is definite (CH has a truth value, particular facts about cardinal arithmetic have truth values)
  • makes ZFC neither true nor false
  • is not limited to first order languages (will work for infinitary set theory)
  • is self defining (conjecture)

This probably all needs explaining in much greater detail, I will follow up with a bit more explanation.



Roger Bishop Jones said...

Its a little bit too neat.

I can't see now that it does all I claim for it, in particular I don't now see that it fixes the truth value of CH.

It does have some interest even with that defect, but its probably not good enough for my purposes without that being fixed, and it won't be so neat once that is done.


Roger Bishop Jones said...

The fix is to add "maximal" to the second clause.
But then I need a neat definition of maximal.

A well-founded set is maximal (in the required sense) if every other well-founded set which it does not include (as a subset) has greater rank.

But then I have to define rank and I am sliding back into the standard description of the cumulative hierarchy, my "neatness" slipping away.