Friday, March 12, 2010

Evolution and Rationality

Another nocturnal replan and "Hot Philosophy", at least as a
book title, is gone. The new title, probably to contain the
two words "evolution" and "rationality", I need to check out
what is already out there before the final decision.
I was struggling yesterday to make the last plan work, and
this morning I have a new title and a new plan.
The book is now in four parts, and is one long historical
narrative with the emphasis on analysis now muted.
Part I Evolution as far as deduction
(which I take, and argue, to be
coeval with descriptive language)
Part II Aspects of cultural evolution to 1900
(not sure what to call this)
This is mostly western philosophy, logic and mathematics
with a bit of Tao.
All hanging around the concept of rationality.
Part III 20th century
Analytic Philosophy, Mathematical Logic, Computer Science.
We see the evolution of techniques and technology
for formal modelling and inference alongside some of
the most conspicuously irrational episodes in the history
of philosophy,
Part IV 21st century
This includes X-Logic but I now have a more open conception
of what I might say here.
A forward projection on the evolution of Rationality
Though these are all historical or futuristic, the history
is intended to be extremely selective and relates to the
development of rationality.
All this in a slim volume, in a short timescale, if I can
once get going.

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